

Top 5 Reasons Denver Should Convert to Vinyl Fencing

semi privacy fencing

One of the great decisions to make when renovating a home is what type of fencing to get. Homeowners generally want something that is low maintenance and can last a long time. What Duramax is great at is manufacturing vinyl fencing engineered for the extreme heat in Denver. Vinyl stands out from wood or iron because it is more resistant to weather and stays looking new without much effort. 

Wood fence needs to be painted and can rot or have termites. This can be an expensive upkeep that will happen consistently. Iron can also rust and look outdated after a few years. Choosing wood or iron can eventually decrease your property value or require expensive renovation sooner than necessary. Vinyl on the other hand will stay looking new for years on end. The only maintenance that may be needed is spraying the fence down with a hose. 

Not all fences are manufactured equally. Duramax doesn’t take shortcuts when supplying the highest quality resin to extrude vinyl that won’t yellow throughout time. UV inhibitors are mixed into the formula to produce vinyl that is more resistant than industry standards. Another advantage working directly with Duramax as the manufacturer is the factory direct pricing. Offering fencing for more than a decade, Duramax has improved its efficiency to a level that it can offer the lowest prices and highest quality. 

An elegant fence improves both the aesthetic and property value. An example would be the white perimeter fence that combines functionality with modern design. Every home has different situations and Duramax accommodates that. Custom vinyl fencing solutions is available from our team of professionals that can ensure your project has all the right material. Styles stem from pool fencing, perimeter fencing, white fences, semi privacy fencing and private fences. 

Overall here are the top reasons to go with Duramax Building Products:

  • Superior quality amongst manufacturers
  • Factory direct prices 
  • Combination of aesthetic and functionality 
  • Low maintenance fencing that looks brand new for years
  • Lifetime limited warranty 

Are you interested in vinyl fence? Contact our team for vinyl fencing solutions, you can visit our website, you can also call us for a free sample and request for a quote.