Selling vinyl fence can be difficult, but by following these top tips, your vinyl fence sales have the potential to improve easily.
1. The 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule says that 80% of the sales come from 20% of the work. What this means is that when you focus on the people, and not the sale, you will get the most results.
- Make sure you introduce yourself and be helpful to a customer within the first few seconds you see them. Avoid being too pushy and really listen to their problems.
- Instead of being a salesman, become the expert of fencing and tell them what the best option is for their home or business.
- Think about what your customers want before you even ask them. Train your employees to think about all the ways they can help customers before they ask.
2. Performer Mindset
Having a mindset of a performer means every interaction you have with your customers from start to finish is part of their whole experience. This lets you put yourself in the customer’s shoes and find out every way you can improve.
3. Proactive Honesty
When there is a problem that happens, let your customer know as soon as possible and what the steps you are taking to fix it. When customers ask a question that you don’t have an answer to, let them know you will find out and get back to them.
4. Achievable, Accessible, and Appropriate Solutions
When something goes wrong and a customer is angry, offer a solution that is achievable, accessible, and appropriate. Achievable means a solution you are able to deliver on. Accessible means a solution that can be done quickly. Finally, appropriate means a solution that matches the customer’s situation.
5. Maintain Relationships
Whether a customer was happy or unhappy, it is important to follow up and maintain the relationship. A good customer relationship can lead to the two most powerful weapons a business could have: Referrals and repeat sales. Even if you couldn’t fully solve an unhappy customer’s issues, if you show that you care and tried, they will respect you for your efforts and may still maintain the relationship.
In conclusion, focus on customer needs, have a performer mindset, practice proactive honesty, maintain relationships, and offer achievable, accessible, and appropriate solutions.