Resin Vertical Cabinets

The perfect storage solution for both indoors and outdoors! These Cedargrain Vertical Cabinets are ideally sized to fit on balconies, in garages, courtyards, and gardens. Made of plastic material, these aesthetically pleasing and sturdy cabinets are designed to reveal a wooden visual essence

Cedar Grain Vertical Cabinet Short A Cedar Grain Vertical Cabinet Short A Cedar Grain Vertical Cabinet Short A

Cedar Grain Vertical Cabinet Short A

The perfect storage solution for both indoors and outdoors! These Cedargrain Vertical Cabinets are ideally sized to fit on balconies, in garages, courtyards, and gardens.
Cedar Grain Vertical Cabinet Tall A Cedar Grain Vertical Cabinet Tall A Cedar Grain Vertical Cabinet Tall A

Cedar Grain Vertical Cabinet Tall A

The perfect storage solution for both indoors and outdoors! These Cedargrain Vertical Cabinets are ideally sized to fit on balconies, in garages, courtyards, and gardens.